Thursday, September 18, 2008

possible ideas

I believe, many people are already aware of the multicultural culture and enjoy benefits from it. But still there are some individuals
  1. who are not used to multiculturalism,
  2. who may believe they are superior to other ethnic groups,
  3. who sticks to one's own culture and isolate oneself from the other cultures
  4. who have fears/assumptions of other cultures
  5. who have lack of understanding/interest of other's culture
step back and avoid interacting with other cultures(fail to accept,respect, and celebrate) which result
  1. racism
  2. disunion/solitudes
  3. misunderstanding

My goal is to encourage my audience to be open and acceptive of other cultures through personal learning and experiencing. By doing that, I hope we can reduce the cultural gap/problem and unite as one.


- wall paintings around the neighbourhood
- cultural friendship building system (sharing/learning and interactive)
- cooking delicious multiculturalism (cultures as ingredients, introduce ingredients)
- branding neighbourhoods
- finding/traveling neighbourhoods (story of personal experiences)
- design a map (where to go to experience real multicultural life style) ex) Chinatown(traditional + for tourists' sightseeing) vs T&T supermarket(real living style?)
- creating fusion festivals
- collection of inspirational cultural characteristics in order to solve individual or social problems : we have much to gain from each other
- recipe (healthy eating, cultural experience/learning, learning commonness)
- creating dialogues on multiculturalism (comment,question,reply) : web, book, street campaign
- signage design around each neighbourhoods describing the characteristics, events, what to do, etc.
- treasure hunt game

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