Wednesday, October 8, 2008

1st idea : Multicultural vending machine

an innovative and comprehensive approach to satisfying the needs of the contemporary American citizen through a line of products designed to alleviate fear and anxiety

Junk food ban in B.C. schools trims funding sources: official

"Some secondary schools in British Columbia are taking a big financial hit as a result of the no junk-food policy brought in by the provincial government earlier this year, a school board chair says...Some secondary schools have already switched over their vending machines to offer milk, granola bars and other healthier choices, Denike said."

I have a solution here!

if milk, granola bars, or other choices(what other?) sounds too healthy and boring to youth,
how about multicultural healthy snack vending machine?

I'm thinking of branding a snack company that provide multicultural snack.

Since they like snack and spend most of their money for it, it is easy to get to the audience and also be effective in a good way.
Attract the audience to multicultural snacks through visual(characteristic of each culture).
As they experience and know more about other cultural snacks, it can develop their interests and interaction with the culture. By including some educational information about each culture on the package or inside somewhere, the audience can get knowledge about the culture.

-healthy snack
-snack bring friends together
-visually attractive

design package(graphic, how to fold), logo, illustration, message inside(something they can take away and keep)

Like the "Peace of mind" project, vending machine can be used not only providing food, but also providing ideas and belief (awareness, meaning, and value)

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