Monday, October 6, 2008

research on Racism

What is Racism?

Discrimination or prejudice based on race : this broader definition tells us that "discrimination" (treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit) or "prejudice"(a preconceived preference or idea) allows that people of any race can be labeled as racist and any biased acts to be categorized as racism.

I researched some articles about Racism to understand the cause and solution

What causes racism?

The 4 Causes of Racism
Racism: what causes it?
Are you a racist?
Stop racism
What is the solution to racism?
Causes of Hate Violence
Racial Prejudice
Racism: the dark side of Vancouver
Vancouver School Board says racism charges are “illogical”
What you can do about unconscious stereotypes and prejudices
March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racism
The solution to racism is not to ignore it

-Racism is said to be something that is learned.
-children learn hatred, racism, and stereotyping
-not all people who are racist are taught from their parents or an older generation
-hate crimes either injuring or killing people
-In addition to the need to address current and past racism, we need to improve our diversity efforts to create a more global community, something that we can all benefit from. So much of our education takes place outside of the classroom, and there is so much we can learn from those of different backgrounds.
-tendency to gravitate together in groups based on looks as much as attitudes.
- I think racism is the lazy, passive option as are all the other xenophobic attitudes. You have to work hard to accept other people as they are and overcome the cultural prejudices to which you've been exposed.
-there are differences among us, but they stem from culture, not race
-Peer pressure
-lack of cross-cultural education
-lgnoring the needs of students(silencing them)
people work together in a structured environment to solve shared problems through community service, their attitudes about diversity can change dramatically.

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